The Way the World Could Have Ended

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today:
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Knock, knock. You're still here, right? So are we. Like, whew, all that apocalyptic stuff — we can laugh about it now, right? So let's kick back with this music video from a group called Eclectic Method, which compiles, mixes, and mashes all the end-of-the-world scenes that Hollywood has ever created:
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Happy holidays to you! And you! And you! But not to you, Henri, you existential cat:
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So, before we leave you for the holidays we have one piece of advice. Remember this and hold on to it when you are three glasses deep in a drunken egg-nog haze: never trust a "trust fall."
And, finally, here's an otter eating an invisible sandwich. Happy holidays!

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The Way the World Could Have Ended