Senator jokes that Boehner's 'Plan B' shows progress finally being made on women's issues

WASHINGTON - A Democratic senator joked Thursday that with House Speaker John Boehner embracing "Plan B," women's issues are progressing in Congress.
Washington Democrat Patty Murray told reporters that she "got really excited" when she heard Boehner talking about Plan B.
But then, she kidded, she learned it didn't signify progress for women after all.
Boehner had a backup plan for his fight over the "fiscal cliff" with President Barack Obama and dubbed it Plan B. House GOP leaders abruptly cancelled a vote on the measure Thursday night after they failed to round up enough votes for it to pass.
The "fiscal cliff" refers to huge tax increases and spending cuts that take effect in early January unless lawmakers can head them off.
Plan B is also the name of a contraceptive pill that some conservatives oppose because it can be used after unprotected intercourse.

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Senator jokes that Boehner's 'Plan B' shows progress finally being made on women's issues