Police Find Clothing Tied to Missing Yacht School Friends

lothing items believed to belong to two missing yacht school friends were found on the rocks of a small island off the coast of Maine, Kennebunkport police said today.
Zachary Wells, 21, and Prescott Wright, 23, were last seen hanging out at a home in the seaside community on Thursday, police chief Craig Sanford said.
The disappearance of the two friends baffled authorities, who have searched by air, water and in wooded areas for the men.
Today marked the first breakthrough in the case, when authorities discovered the clothing, including one item that was marked to indicate that it belonged to one of the men, Sanford said.
Wells and Wright are students at The Landing School in Arundel, Maine., where they were learning boat building and yacht design.
When the men failed to show up for classes on Thursday and Friday, administrators at the school contacted police.
Authorities found no signs of a disturbance at the home, Sanford said, and searches of the nearby area did not turn up any clues. Only one of the men owns a vehicle, and it remained parked in the driveway of the house.
"There's no one area to pinpoint because we don't know where they might have gone," Sanford said, calling it one of the strangest cases he has ever seen.
Both men were expected to head to their home states for the holidays.

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Police Find Clothing Tied to Missing Yacht School Friends